BiSON Time Series

The Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) provides high-quality high-cadence observations from as far back in time as 1978. However, 1985 is the earliest period for which at least three sites were observing regularly.

These data are calibrated from the raw observations into radial velocity and the quality of the calibration has a large impact on the signal-to-noise ratio of the final time series. For details on this procedure please see 10.1093/mnras/stu803.

If you would like a specific time period of data or have a special processing request, please contact us for a bespoke solution. When making use of these data, please cite both 10.1007/s11207-015-0810-0 and 10.1093/mnras/stu803 in any publications. Suggested BibTeX entries are below.

 author = "Hale, S. J. and Howe, R. and Chaplin, W. J. and Davies, G. R. and Elsworth, Y. P.",
  title = "{{Performance of the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON)}}",
journal = {\solphys},
   year = {2016},
  month = jan,
    day = {1},
 volume = {291},
 number = {1},
  pages = {1--28},
   issn = {1573-093X},
    doi = "10.1007/s11207-015-0810-0",
    url = ""
author = {Davies, G. R. and Chaplin, W. J. and Elsworth, Y. P. and Hale, S. J.},
title = {BiSON data preparation: a correction for differential extinction and the weighted averaging of contemporaneous data},
journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
volume = {441},
number = {4},
pages = {3009-3017},
year = {2014},
doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu803},
URL = {},

All sites - 1976/01 to 2025/02 - Optimised for Fill

        SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Tue Feb  4 10:24:01 2025
        BITPIX  =                  -64 /Real*8 (double precision)
        NAXIS   =                    2 /
        NAXIS1  =                    2 /
        NAXIS2  =             38726638 /
        D-START =        2442778.50000 /Data start (Julian)
        D-END   =        2460707.50000 /Data end (Julian)
        STATIONS= 'na ca cb su iz la mo ha' /Stations Used
        METHOD  = 'waverage'           /Overlap Method
        CADENCE = '40      '           /Timeseries Cadence
        N-THRES =                  150 /Noise Rejection Threshold
        GAPFILL =                    1 /GapFill
        FILL    =             0.559483 /Duty Cycle
        COMMENT Generated by BiSON
        COMMENT $Id: svnid.s 194 2011-11-15 10:13:23Z hale $

SHA256: e4e176abe6f6930197155fbd44f20e4d99e7151c4b033f10c6bc8137b9c6d03e

MD5: 3a10acc92e9fb91191788934f0bc3bd7

Download: allsites-alldata-waverage-fill.fits.gz

All sites - 1985/01 to 2024/01 - Optimised for Quality

        SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Mon Jan  8 21:20:32 2024
        BITPIX  =                  -64 /Real*8 (double precision)
        NAXIS   =                    2 /
        NAXIS1  =                    2 /
        NAXIS2  =             30767039 /
        D-START =        2446066.50000 /Data start (Julian)
        D-END   =        2460310.50000 /Data end (Julian)
        STATIONS= 'na ca cb su iz la mo ha' /Stations Used
        METHOD  = 'waverage'           /Overlap Method
        CADENCE = '40      '           /Timeseries Cadence
        N-THRES =                   80 /Noise Rejection Threshold
        GAPFILL =                    1 /GapFill
        FILL    =             0.637600 /Duty Cycle
        COMMENT Generated by BiSON
        COMMENT $Id$

SHA256: 979a466b231a0a5a4931ebc711d706de1cea3fead2030a006803792db76c5401

MD5: e8e65fe021b94575163e795d437b2467

Download: allsites-waverage-quality.fits.gz

All sites - 1995 to 2014 - Performance Check

        SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Wed May 27 11:08:33 2015      
        BITPIX  =                  -64 /Real*8 (double precision)                       
        NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
        NAXIS1  =                    2 /                                                
        NAXIS2  =             15778799 /                                                
        D-START =        2449718.50000 /Data start (Julian)                             
        D-END   =        2457023.50000 /Data end (Julian)                               
        STATIONS= 'na ca cb su iz la mo' /Stations Used                                 
        METHOD  = 'waverage'           /Overlap Method                                  
        CADENCE = '40      '           /Timeseries Cadence                              
        N-THRES =                  100 /Noise Rejection Threshold                       
        FILL    =             0.783800 /Duty Cycle                                      
        COMMENT Generated by BiSON
        COMMENT $Id$

In addition to the above citations, if using this dataset please also cite the dataset itself in any publications. A suggested BibTeX entry is below.

      title = {{BiSON - All Sites - 1995 to 2014 - Performance Check}},
     author = {Steven J. Hale},
  publisher = {Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network},
       year = {2015},
      month = may,
        doi = "10.25500/eData.bham.00000059",
        url = {}

SHA256: 9871278333ed07bc54b51532c3dc8eb54d4c5da1981e6df75cbe68485f761c43

MD5: a8e28b5532d449202a5e55b6452812da

Download: bison-allsites-1995-2014.fits.gz